Monday, August 24, 2009

What are your impressions of teaching early adolescents? What are your strengths in this areas? Conversely, What are your weaknesses?

My impression of teaching early adolescents is full of uncertainty. My only dealing with this age group is through observation only. I have only experienced high school students. However, my observations have shown to me that young adolescents have more control in their actions than high school student can have. I know that there are challenges facing me. This age group can be fragile as they are developing mentally and physically. This is the age where adolescents begin to establish and individual identity. Knowing this already, I recognize this to be a strength.

Other strengths that I possess is that I have worked with the general public for several years, so I am better able to rationalize through tough situations and I am capable of handling conflict in a professional manner. I believe this will help me in the classroom, especially if I am faced with a difficult situation.

As far as any weaknesses, I foresee discipline to be the toughest challenge that faces me. This seems to be the one challenge that most teachers have a hard time with in the beginning of their careers. However, I am optomistic that with time and experience that discipline won't be a problem in my classroom.

-Kelley Ryan


  1. Kelley - you are so right on about the uncertainty. Most of us can remember the "wonder years" and our own apprehensions. Dealing with early adolescents is not like dealing with, well, anyone else. There are real reasons for that and I'll talk a little about that in my notes for tomorrow class - what works for my virtual lecture.

  2. Kelley, I think that it is good that you recognize that these students are struggling to find their identity, and sometimes that results in their making the wrong decisions and having to face the consequences. My principal constantly reminds of us this and it is our responsibility as middle school teachers to help them with finding their identity and to make the right decisions.

  3. I think I finally located your blog just in time for the new posting for Wednesday. I agree that classroom management can be scary, particularly with the lower grades with a whole different set of issues. I look forward to our class discussions and sharing of experiences in "picking each others' brains" in this trying area. I also look forward to your next post.
