Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kelly: I understand your feelings of uncertainty. I always feel that way at the beginning of a school year. However, it goes away quickly as the year begins, and you have a thousand other things to think about. I am sure that the experience that you have in working with the public will help you. I worked in large corporations before I went into teaching, and I know that helped me to learn to prioritize and multitask. I bet you will be a great teacher, because you do have that work experience, and you seem to be passionate about your subject.

Monday, August 24, 2009

What are your impressions of teaching early adolescents? What are your strengths in this areas? Conversely, What are your weaknesses?

My impression of teaching early adolescents is full of uncertainty. My only dealing with this age group is through observation only. I have only experienced high school students. However, my observations have shown to me that young adolescents have more control in their actions than high school student can have. I know that there are challenges facing me. This age group can be fragile as they are developing mentally and physically. This is the age where adolescents begin to establish and individual identity. Knowing this already, I recognize this to be a strength.

Other strengths that I possess is that I have worked with the general public for several years, so I am better able to rationalize through tough situations and I am capable of handling conflict in a professional manner. I believe this will help me in the classroom, especially if I am faced with a difficult situation.

As far as any weaknesses, I foresee discipline to be the toughest challenge that faces me. This seems to be the one challenge that most teachers have a hard time with in the beginning of their careers. However, I am optomistic that with time and experience that discipline won't be a problem in my classroom.

-Kelley Ryan

Saturday, August 22, 2009

It looks that way!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Is this how you blog?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hi Kelly, I guess I'm "blogging" ... I like the pink background :-)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You're Here


Be sure to put your name in your first post on your blog, so people will know who you are.

