Saturday, October 3, 2009

The 4Mat System

The 4mat system is based on 8 cycles of instruction that is intended to reach all types of learners. These 8 cycles are broken down into 4 types of learning styles that are based on the left and right brain dominance theories. The idea behind this system is that it places more emphasis on the learner. According to the system, learning takes place through perception of experiences and concepts and through processing new information by reflection and action. Lessons that incorporate the 4mat model should answer Why, What, How, and If.

The difference between this model and that of First Principles is that the first principles model is more problem centered with the idea that students learn better solving problems. The 4mat model is learner centered around the imaginative learner, the analytic learner, the common senses learner, and the dynamic learner.

After reading and even researching other web sites on this model, I would like to see lessons that follow the 4mat model just so I can obtain a better understanding how this system works.


  1. I like the idea that the 4MAT model places more emphasis on the learner than on the instruction. We can't know how to do the instruction until we know our learners.

  2. Kelley -I think that what you said about this instruction being more learner centered than problem-centered is interesting. That makes me think that there needs to be something in-between where we look at the learner first, and then give them a problem to solve.

  3. The 4MAT model does provide a structure to the teacher/learner interface. We'll see how it can be used in a variety of settings wen we meet on Wed.

  4. I like that you mention the focus on the learner. Sometimes in our planning, we get wrapped up in our teaching methods and styles (which work), but I appreciate that you started your blog with the students in mind.
